Tuesday, January 2, 2007

a Still, Small Voice

Let’s revisit the statement that I made in my last post...
"Wow. No wonder that still small voice is so still and small."
Sometimes we are not able to detect the still small voice because it has been suppressed by our appetites. It is crucial for us to understand that the sins behind our appetites are progressive - they will only back down to starvation. We have tolerated the demands of our appetites so long that we now can only pacify them. Subtly, our appetites are cultivating our lifestyle. Our habits become part of our subconscious mind and we become acclimated to the lifestyle.

Do you consider yourself to be a victim of your lifestyle? Do you find yourself doing things that you would not do in your normal character? If so, know that there is hope. You do not have to be a victim of your subconscious. The reason why I say subconscious is that so many of us have been dictated by our hunger and appetites for so long that our destructive behavior patterns have become second nature. We don’t even give them a second thought.

I stated earlier that the sins behind our appetites are progressive and will only relinquish to starvation. In 2 Corinthians 5:7, the apostle Paul stated, "we walk by faith, not by sight." Although Paul was addressing a different scenario, the principle is applicable in this message. Paul said, "not by sight." Sight represents the five senses - the soulful realm. If we’re going to live a victorious life and allow our spirit to dominate our soul, we must starve those appetites that cause us to self-destruct. We must be discerning of what to nurture and what to starve in the emotional realm.

I challenge you to take time to evaluate where your present appetites are taking you.

References: 2 Corinthians 5:7, James 1:14, 15

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